Here he is! He has yet to be named, and I have no real reason for posting him except that I think he is darn adorable and the best spent 3 dollars of my Halloween season so far. I found this little guy on sale at JoAnne's fabrics (where I got supplies for at least 2 of the projects you shall see in the future) and absolutely could not resist him. I've got plenty more pictures with this little guy, we just did a photoshoot on my desk and glammed it up, he makes some pretty neat little shadows.
What do you think? I think he deserves a name. Archie the Arachnid? Octavius? (although he only has six legs...)
I'll eventually incorporate him into a banner I'll make for this site, but at the moment I have a horrifically long book I have to read by Friday. Any input from my 3 followers will gladly be taken into account.
I hope your Halloween preparations are putting you in as good a mood as I am!
Loooove the little spidery candle. Names..let's see...Aragog maybe? :D